Crisis of Credibility
By Dr. Bob Lynn Ed.D
There is a void in the treatment system that in part is being met, by independent case managers who advocate for patients across the entire care continuum; the demand for these services far exceeds the availability of specialized well trained professionals. So called traditional treatment is being questioned on many levels to include legal, ethical, credibility, scientific and more. In my opinion, I believe it is clinically naive to refer an individual to a treatment center without the benefit of comparable outcomes and the assurance that universal standards of care based on real science is driving the treatment.
After 50 years working in almost every capacity in the field domestic and foreign, I sadly have little objective criteria for recommending a treatment program based on individual patient needs; this is a crisis for which we keep putting band aids on festering wounds.
I often feel like David with Goliath as so many so-called change agencies are vested in maintaining the status quo. We would be honored to read your thoughts as there are so many caring professionals seeking new pathways that need to join together for real change.